MovieChat Forums > Slipstream (2005) Discussion > one mistake, they should have known was ...

one mistake, they should have known was wrong

In the timetraveling scene where they go back a whole day or so, they let u see where Sean Astin gets shot by the buss.
Butt thats impossible, because it never happened.
it was a different time frame, and if he would have seen that then the time would have mixed up and if that happens who know what will happen.

and the laptop and everything they didnt let u see where also wrong but who cares. i just wanted to say this because i couldnt find it on the board and maybe u could discuss it. about timetravel.
But dont do it to much u will go crazy


Pretty hard to understand a word you're saying, really, but I did sort of think of that... then it occurred to me, that it happened for HER, because she was there and remembered it. Maybe that's it.


My god that is outstanding English.


Actually there is a lot of plot holes. You found one, nice. I hope someone could explain the dialog when the girl takes the guy to the bus. I didn't see if the conversation was inside or outside the car.

This is not sci-fi, this is comedy. Or maybe they should change both script and director, because there's a -little- problem.

"Mess with the best, die like the rest."


Well, two theories on that:

1. The conversation was simply edited to look stylish, cutting it back and forth, or done deliberately. In other words, if you recut all the SUV conversation back to back and put the outside conversation after it, it might still form a cognitive conversation (but I doubt it). If I actually cared enough I might go back and log the dialogue to find out, but I doubt I'll ever watch it again.

2. It was possible that was two conversations from two different timelines-- the first when Sean's character was shot-- the second was when he wasn't.
