the whole ten minutes things
hey, here's a question, i understand that the little time travel device can only send u back ten minutes, and the main character's like "i cant save ur boyfriend/girlfriend cuz the ten minutes are up" but like, why not just keep traveling back in time in ten minute jumps, like, jump from 3 pm to 2:50 pm, then to 2:40 pm, then to 2:30 pm, and when the main character talked about how being up in the sky makes it easier to time travel cuz there's less interference in creating a wormhole? lol, i nearly crapped my pants cuz that's such utter bull crap, there's just as much interference up in the sky as there is on the ground, it's called air particles and man-made signals lol, and another thing about the whole money thing, someone else posted a question bout whether the main character would get bills with the same serial numbers, and yes, he would get the same serial numbers cuz he's basically traveling to that exact time and space where those exact bills are in the register, sure, he brought the dollar bills he first got from his first withdrawl to the past, but changing the future wouldnt change the past, so yes, he'd get the same serial numbered bills, and speaking of which, when he traveled back in time to the poitn when he first made his withdrawl, he should have met his past self, i dont care about this whole "the user is like, unaffected by the time travel crapo" cuz whether he time travels into the past or not, his past self still exists in the, well, the freaking past, god, this movie is just so freakin illogical and such utter crap, and on the plane when the bad guy shot the FBI girl, the main character touched her while the bullet was in her cuz it's not an armor piercing bullet, so when she went back in time, the bullet shoulda stayed in her, and i agree with what someone previously posted on the message board, if that stupid FBI woman didnt start freaking shooting ppl, they wouldve just gotten the money, left, and none of this crap wouldve happened, and what the crap is the string theory???? i honestly dont know if thats an actual theory or if its just a made-up crapile theory, cuz apparently, everyone in this movie is too freakin stupid and impatient to take five minutes to listen to an illogical time travel theory, GOD!!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO THE LORD OF THE RINGS CAST??????!!!!!!! IT'S LIKE ALMOST EVERYONE IN THE LORD OF THE RINGS JUST SUDDENLY SAID "IM TIRED OF BEING IN GOOD MOVIES, IM GONNA START APPEARING IN CRAP ON THE SCI FI CHANNEL!!!" it's like cate blanchett is the only one who went on to do good movies like the life aquatic with steve zissou, and btw, why the hell did that FBI agent kiss the main character on the plain, there was no build-up to that or any passionate emotion or luv or attraction that could be detected b/w the two...whatever, but ya, FORGET THIS MOVIE, IF U DIDNT SEE IT, UR A BETTER HUMAN BEING, but uh, ya, i saw Escape From LA, the movie shown after Slipstream, and man, that was such a funny movie, and Escape From LA was so much more likable cuz Snake, the character played by the badass kurt russel, gets to do what we ALL have fantasized about at one depressive point or another, and that's to totally screw over civilization in a huge way that'll take 'em years to recover from, lol, so ya, btw, did u notice that in both Escape from..." movies take place in like, mainly liberal cities, cities that are turned into prisons of "immoral degenerates?" lol, im sorry, is this some neo-conservative secret plan to turn all mainly liberal parts of America into prison colonies? cuz if it is, u neo-cons are more crafty than i thought lol, peace