major plot hole

they say the window is 10 min but what if you repeat that action over and over again untill you are lets say in the 18th century? Your body stays the same so he will be the same age or well he would have aged the time he spend in going back 10min each time.
Also You could say that if you go 10min back in time the machine can't be used for 10 minutes but that's not true we see him going back in time in the end of the movie just after they just went back half a day.
So the 10min rule actualy made no sense at all.
If I was this guy I would go back in time to whatever age suits you and with your experience and knowledge in history you could become a god.
Well thats what I would do not just cashing out a misery 2000$ for a couple of times.


Dead-thread, but here I go anyway...

I thought of that, too, but I wonder if, once you're back ten minutes, that the slipstream basically would take you back to the original timeline. In other words, you go back ten minutes, then you go back ten minutes, but now you're holding the device about to hop back the first time. Or, maybe it's like a "feedback loop"?
