MovieChat Forums > Slipstream (2005) Discussion > TOP 5 Movies About Time

TOP 5 Movies About Time

Ok...Slipstream is about time and time travel.
What is your 5 Top movies about time-time travel ???
Mine are...(as far as i can remember)

1.Back To The Future(all 3)
2.Groundhog Day
3.The Time Machine
4.Donnie Darko
5.The Langoliers


I definitely loved Primer. This is an independent film on a far smaller shoestring budget, no special effects whatsoever, and yet *so* much better.

However, if you don't like having to work at a film, you might not like Primer. It is a very complex film that plays with time travel paradoxes heaped on top of each other ... it takes many people a couple of viewings to really get it. I loved it precisely for that reason, but it's not everybody's cup o' tea.

Incidentally, I rented Slipstream specifically because Primer got me interested in time-travel movies again. But I was thoroughly disappointed with Slipstream. It is barely a time-travel movie at all. However, I don't like ripping on movies (I don't make anybody's life better by ruining other people's enjoyment) so I won't say more.


I don't know if this counts but:

* Doctor Who
* The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy


1. Primer
and I should stop here, because it's 'Primer' and a whole bunch 'o nothing, then some more nothing, and THEN the follow-ups, but for the sake of consistency... ;-)

1. Primer
2. Groundhog Day*
3. Clockstoppers**
4. The Langoliers***
5. Donnie Darco****

* I simply LOVED the attempted suicides' chain... ;-) "You thought suicide is like virginity? Think AGAIN!" :-PPPP

** pretty nice a movie for teens [useful if You're a parent I think], fun to watch for viewers of all ages though :)

*** the first movie about time travel I've ever seen, and I believe the filmmakers drew the line when it comes to time paradoxes - they've avoided as many of them as they could, and I admire that; it's a time-travel movie pretty much without glitches (even though there isn't much time travel in it)

**** I loved this movie simply because I never really understood what was going on ;-) This one is about as close as it gets to how time travel is understood in our age. ;-)

As for 'Primer' - the movie was a bit more about how time travel influences people's minds, and that was it's goal I think. Even though it tried (pretty successfuly I might add) to deal with technical difficulties like time paradoxes, it's main theme was about the psychological aspects and human nature. And I believe that anyone who has their mind set for time traveling and would like to try and understand more on the topic should see this movie, as it doesn't take the usual 'time travel action movie' path. Besides, uncovering layers upon layers of subtle truths and conclusions is a VERY rewarding process... :-)

And something for those who like to quote, this one's a beauty:

"It will be happened; it shall be going to happening; it will be was an event that could will have been taken place in the future." -- Time travel, as explained by Arnold J. Rimmer


What about Timecop and The Thirteenth Floor?


the Thirteenth floor is not about time travel. (Even though I did really enjoy that movie)


- Kate and Leopold.
- Clockstoppers

But for me the all time favourite timetravel-movie will be BTTF1.


Donnie Darko

the time machine

the machinist - he doesnt actually go back in time but he has'nt slept for over a year . time related

brain is frowen, what about sliders, not really time related, but close


Twelve monkeys

it's simply the best...


A couple Movies with Time Travel not listed above.

-"The Lake House" is another one with a 2 year time difference.

-"Timeline" was interesting, where they go back to 14th century France.

The concept of time travel is great fun for movies & TV.

The Clan McCloud...


there are over 500 movies with time traveel as a plot. 100+ of which are on DVD. Im sure several movies are not going to be mentioned. Heres a list of just about everyone + tv shows

BTW, Terminator 2 is the #1 Time travel movie (and movie) of all time.


1: Groundhog Day

2: Twelve Monkeys

3: Terminator Trilogy

4: Planet of the Apes (NOT THE REMAKE!)

5: Austin Powers Trilogy

Hard not to put Back to the Future on my list!

Other movies:

Time Bandits

Time Rider

Bill and Ted

Time After Time

Somewhere in Time




Time Bandits! Thats my favorite. Twelve monkeys was also great. There's so many time travel sci-fi books that I wish would get made into movies!


1. Just Visiting ( Very cool comedy )
2. The Time Machine
3. Back to the Future Series
4. Timeline
5. Groundhog Day


No one remembers 'Time after Time'? H.G. Wells chasing Jack the Ripper though present-day (80's) San Francisco? And Honorable mention to 'Prince of Darkness' for the future-communication angle...
