This was the LAST movie before she changed her image including her TEETH. She will never be the same. It's too bad. I can't stand the way she looks anymore. She use to be so cute and then she changed her whole look and her TEETH. She needs to get her teeth fixed to where they at least are close to her original teeth. Her teeth are Way To Large for her mouth. Shes always covering her mouth when she laughs, putting her head down. etc. She use to be my favorite crush. I can't watch movies with her anymore. I just can't stand the way she looks. Your prob gonna hate me for saying this. But Oh well. I don't hate her, she's just not actractive anymore. What a couple things can do to someones appearance is amazing. She needs to get rid of her bangs and go back to her original look. Get her teeth fixed to where there some what the size of her old teeth. And stop trying to be 30 years old.