Firstly, Hilary Duff wasn't in Mean Girls. Secodnly, she is not always a popular girl - in fact she rarely plays the popular girl which I find had to believe - yeah, like Hilary Duff is going to be the one who's ignored at school...
I will, hwever, agree that this is probably her best performance. Lizzie McGuire I find irritable because she's playing for younger kids. Cinderella Story was passable but it was still annoying. Let's not mention Material Girls...
Terri in Raise Your Voice was a good move. I would've prefered her to be played as originally planned by Evan Rachel Wood, but it was good, as was Hilary. This is a little more believable, although I can't give it full marks; it contained a 'let's all dance around the room' scene and they are just poison.
I think critics are particularly hard on Hilary Duff movies because they are "Hilary Duff movies" - they never actually put aside the exoectation that the film will be bad...