Best line EVER!
Lance- what could me more important than the perfect man, oh duh! the perfect shoes!
LOVE IT! its hilarious
Lance- what could me more important than the perfect man, oh duh! the perfect shoes!
LOVE IT! its hilarious
My favorite was Hillary's sister's line when she saw her Mom's engagement ring:
"Is there even a jewel in there?"
I found it so funny!
O, my favorite was when the construction workers asked Lance if he was a Jets fan, and he says, "Oh my God, hello!?!? I live for West Side Story!"
I died, but thats probably just cuz i'm doing the play now, and loved the great reference.
yer i loved that one too!
Lenny: "Attention shoppers, need a quick pick me up? Why don't you head on over to our coffee corner and pick yourself up a half-calf-caramel macchiato. But remember, coffee can be hot…it can have an intensity like you've never felt before...searing deep into your flesh...your easily hurt flesh. So, be sure to ask for a protective sleeve when you pick up your coffee...maybe ask for another one to slip over your heart. Thank you"
~Don't tell me how it ends~
I couldn't stop laughing at everything Lenny said and did! Like at the Styx concert when he's holding her hand, crying, he says that it's like the song was written about them. LOL!
shareMy favourite line was Lenny's:
Zoe: You can tell I'm a princess because of my beautiful necklaces! N, e, c, k, l, a, c, e, s!
Lenny [looking around the appartment]: OKay. Yeah. Makes sense.
I couldn't tell you why, but that line cracks me up every time.
All of the Lance lines were hilarious!!! xD He kept me laughing the whole movie!
But of all these friends and lovers, there is no one compares with you. <3