Length & source of DVD of 2004 movie version of TMoV?
I'm in a playreading group of a larger retired faculty group and we recently read "TMoV" in honor of Will's 400th anniversary. After we finish a play, I often arrange to show an afternoon movie for our PR group plus any of our larger group who'd also like to attend.
One member (not a PR member) has a copy of this movie that came from the Netherlands and we recently showed it. While this was the same cast (Pacino, et al) YET much of the beginning of the film I saw in 2005 WAS NOT included and I was disappointed. Specifically, I recall seeing an introduction that described the Jewish "Getto" and showed a number of Venetians walking on bridges (with Antonio spitting on Shylock?), of prostitutes without bras advertising their services, of Venetians commonly wearing masques when out in public, etc. I was very disappointed that this was missing. Don't know how long this section was -- possibly 3 or so minutes? possibly 5 or more?
Is the section/features I described available in any of the US/English language versions and, if so, which ones and how many minutes does that run?