The Tragedy/Comedy theme

Can anyone point out a piece of fiction or a film where this kind of portrayal of a story is used prior to Allen?

I mean, in a single work the funny and sad sides of a story are being told and compared to each other.


Sliding Doors.


He left a note. He left a simple little note that said "I've gone out the window."


"Sliding Doors" (great film) is comprised of two alternating stories, yes, but it's not a tragedy/comedy division.




Oh yes, there is a 1952 French movie I saw once on TV, called "La fête à Henriette" (holiday for Henriette), with two elderly screenwriters fighting over how Henriette's July 14th adventures will turn out ; roughly speaking, one is optimistic, the other pessimistic

More detail on the 2006 review of this movie by a Canadian IMDB user named Benoit Racine, who also refers to a short scene in Sullivan's travel

