Both parts were very well written and to me the tragedy part was delivered beautifully whereas the comedy part failed to gain my interest, it was very witty but I think Peet and Ferrell's roles were miscast, more often than not I anxiously waited for the next tragedy segment to arrive.
Regarding the previous poster's opinion on the suicide threat, I think in a way, it was meant to be lame, wasn't it? Melinda was a self-absorbed and dull character that had lost her charm. I thought it was meant to evoke resentment. On the other hand perhaps Mitchell's role is also miscast, I imagine myself feeling differently of the character if it were to be portrayed differently. If she'd injected more pitifulness into the role, it would certainly make me feel for her and her situation but I found her to be obnoxious in a way that was just right. This may or may not be a result of poor acting but it worked for me.