The book is a Masterpiece. I do not use that word. There are maybe ten pieces of fiction total that I would describe as "Masterpieces."
So obviously, I love the book very much. I give props to writers Sharzer & Young-Frisbie for what they created from their own minds, but the things from the book seemed a little out of place to me. Why include the closet if you are going to use it so little? Without the bathroom or the clowns, Ivy is a pointless character if you don't give her more to do. Ditto Nicole. And the portrayal of the adult characters (with the exception of comic genius Leslie Lyles as Hairwoman) is way too over-the-top. Robert John Burke ruined his character of Mr. Neck, who probably should have been played straight.
But the new things, like the fantastic opening with Melinda in her room, were very well done.
Fact is, I loved the book too much. And to satisfy the fans of a book, there are only two ways to adapt a movie: stick to the book as much as possible (which wouldn't have worked here, I don't think) or depart from the book as much as possible. The writers took a middle road here. Still, can't be too harsh on them; I'm biased! But from my view, I'm just a wee-bit disappointed. Not a horrible film by any means. Just not a particularly good one.