the ending

So, was the guy blinded permanently? What was the liquid she threw at him, anyway?

Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)
- Walt Whitman


No, he could totally see everyone and everything. In fact, if you'll watch again, you'll see the look he gives her when she's out of the room. He realises that he's done and then she walks away. And everybody start to yell at him and threaten him with the sticks so he's just tryin to play the victim, like: What do you want from me? I'm hurt...
Because there's nothing else he could possibly say.

"Thieves get rich, saints get shot and god don't answer prayers a lot"


It was pool chemicals.

No Day But Today. Today 4 U. One Song Glory.
How we gonna pay last year's RENT?!
