MovieChat Forums > Speak (2004) Discussion > Would you be able to wait a whole year

Would you be able to wait a whole year

to tell someone that you had been attacked?


rape and sexual abuse surveys indicate that more people hide it than report it or talk about it. Some their entire lives. A year isn't that long in the realm of rape trauma.

"Kristen, p***y to the wood. *beep* your guitar!" - Joan Jett rehearsing The Runaways @HereComesSun86


I saw on the TV show Intervention there was a drug addict that was over 50 years old and he was just now telling his family that he had been raped when he was a kid. He basically kept it a secret his whole life. It was the saddest thing.


I told 2 weeks after it happened but not so much by choice. I had to tell because I was in shock, having outbursts and lashing at people for no reason- my family had already guessed it happened to me because of that and my complete change in personality- I wouldnt talk and wanted to be alone all of the time. Had it been my choice, I would had taken it to my grave.



I don't think so, I'd probably say something as soon as it happened, get the cops involved and catch that bastard before he hurts someone else. At least that's what I think I'd do, but I don't know how I'd really react to being attacked.

That was longer than a heartbeat!




It doesn't matter how old you are. blaming yourself is a common side effect. it sounds like you need to educate yourself on the effects of sexual abuse. there is so much more to it.

~I love the rhythm it is my methoood!~



I didn't mean it like that at all. I just meant maybe you could do a little reading up on it is all since you seem curious. it's obvious your familair with the topic to a degree when I read your comment about a child internalizing the experience. sorry if my comment came across as snide.

~I love the rhythm it is my methoood!~



Her mom (in the book) seemed married to her job. always talking to her coworker Ted. ("Noo! not *you* Ted!) her Dad while a nice guy seemed kinda clueless in the grand scheme of things. anyway... I hadn't watched the movie in awhile and was really touched by it.

~I love the rhythm it is my methoood!~



^this. thank you.

yeah and not enough people are. that's just it is there's not enough awareness.


When I was 15, I was almost raped by my boyfriend at the time. I was very lucky to get away. It took me 3 years to finally tell someone, I was just traumatized by the whole thing, and felt so ashamed for almost letting it happen, and I thought I was to blame for it, and that if I had told someone they wouldn't have believed me. Here I am now 27, and I wish that I had reported it all those years ago.


yes. saying it out loud makes it real whereas saying nothing allows you to believe that you're making it up, imagined it, or whatever- it minimizes it. that being said, it is extremely important to talk about but a lot of abused women don't. i'd like to think i would report it right away, but no one can really know how they'd react to somehting like this.


My ex-boyfriend tried to take advantage of me when I was hanging out at his house. We tried to be friends and... well, I guess it didn't work. When I finally told my girlfriend about it, she told me I sounded like a rape victim. That made it too real and that's why it's easier to stay silent.





To the OP: not everyone who's sexually abused is attacked. just so ya know.

