This movie made me cry and feel so depressed
Not Just because she was raped or because she was played by my beloved Kristen Stewart. But because of how all those people were so cruel to her. She barely speaks, she doesn't look to well, she cries her heart out, goes someplace private and screams, causes pain on herself, wakes up with nightmares, and all they can do is scream at her, swear at her, grab her by the neck, and give her hell. She's got a problem, the best thing to do is keep her home until you find out what's wrong with your daughter. I mean, here she is in school being screamed in the face, being expected to do oral reports when she's too scared to speak and demand her to speak, and her grades are going down and all they can do is demand her to bring her grades up. It's so sad and I Just can't help but cry or feel depressed.
To be honest, even though I was never raped or anything, but there have been tons of times when I would be so quiet or whatnot, yet in school I was treated Just like Melinda, and my parents never asked me what is wrong. I would Just sit quiet. It makes me cry to even think of how that poor Melinda girl was treated when she was sick and scared. (Sighs) Not to mention, when you see someone as beautiful as Kristen Stewart being treated that way. And how she had to walk miles home all alone after Just being raped. It's awful.
Sometimes, I didn't even wanna go to school because I was too scared of what would happen to me. I was kind of an outcast myself, still AM.
No Day But Today. Today 4 U. One Song Glory.
How we gonna pay last year's RENT?!