MovieChat Forums > Speak (2004) Discussion > Wouldn't Andy have gotten in trouble eit...

Wouldn't Andy have gotten in trouble either way?

Even if Melinda didn't refuse him it would still be rape. I don't know what the laws are in Connecticut but in most places a 17 year old couldn't have sex with a 14 year old and get away with it.


It would have been statutory rape, yes. In CT, the age of consent is 16. It's second-degree sexual assault to have sex with someone between the ages of 13 and 16 if you are more than two years older than the person.


The book takes place in Syracuse, NY; in New York, the age of consent is 17 so he'd get in trouble either way (statutory rape). The movie takes place in a Midwestern state (I don't think it's ever said which one) so his getting in trouble for statutory rape depends on the age of consent in that state.



The book takes place in New York, and the age of consent there is 17. The movie takes place in the Midwest, but it's never specified which state. In Midwest states, the age of consent ranges from 16 to 18. So he would've gotten in trouble no matter what.
