ive heard that this movie is difficult to understand. that it is too complicated. it really isnt. its a rather ridiculous movie that is just meh. i have seen much better and i have definitely seen much worse.
the only thing that confused me were the credits at the end on the dvd. lacey chabert is listed as Allison French. the same last name as matt davis' character and his wife, played by robin tunney. so i spent the longest time wondering: ok, unless she was married to matt's character at some point (maybe thats why she's constantly hitting on him?) then shouldnt she have the last name henderson?
but looking on imdb they corrected the mistake and now the world makes sense again.
anyway, i hardly think this is so horrible and not worth a rental. i'm a james spader fan and i bought it for $8. i'm hardly crying over it and wishing i had my money and my 1h 28 minutes back. its seriously really not that bad.