Help - A few things I missed.
I apologize if any of these things were blatantly clear in the movie, and I just missed them. (I watched it with my scaredy-cat boyfriend, and couldn't fully pay attention)
#1. Was there any further significance to William shooting the little boy after the bank robbery? Was it simply to show that he wasn't completely heartless (after displaying some guilt about it)?
#2. When/Where did Clyde find the voo-dooesque doll?
#3. When they were about to enter the house for the first time, it was daylight, but when they walked through the door, it was night time. I know that some directors do this intentionally to create a sense of "wrongness". But, it was obnoxiously obvious. Was there a deleted scene or something?
I think that's it.
I am still undecided as to whether or not I liked the film or not. It was nothing extraordinary, but it wasn't painful to watch either.
~ S ~