I think this is the episode which takes place mostly in a central London park - can't remember if it is Regents Park or what - what did strike me at the time I saw it was how unrealistically empty the place was - huge swathes of deserted parkland in the middle of the day. In reality the place would have been swarming with all sorts since there is now nowhere in London that you can enjoy a solitary moment - apart from lapses like that I really enjoy it on my local PBS station and am sorry that the PTB have seen fit to cancel it.
No, this was the episode that takes place in the private gardens of that apartment building. I know which episode you're talking about though, and it did seem odd that they were the only ones in park.
I believe they were in private gardens behind large row houses in the Notting Hill area. They explained the lack of people with the locked gate and comments about not losing the key that was made for them to work in the garden. Very good episode, I loved it! There was a jogger, he was killed by his wife. Awesome show - check out www.deepdiscount.com, you can get the complete series (all three seasons) for $65.99!! I got it and absolutely love it!!
There are several private gardens in monied areas in London and yes, they are really quite peaceful during large chunks of the day. You are only allowed entrance if you are resident of the square around which the garden is set. This is by key only.
I filmed an episode of Panorama in a Holland Park garden square recently and it was empty for hours on end!
I guess people work long hours to pay to live on such squares in the first place so don't get much chance to enjoy them...
I've since had the chance to re-watch all the episodes and I believe the episode you might be referring to is Three Legs Good which is set in Regent's Park, which is just off the Marylebone Road in Central London. And yes, it is very quiet in the episode. I used to regularly walk to work through Regent's Park and it's generally fairly busy with people jogging, usually a group of people playing football somewhere, couples and groups picnicking, lounging and reading, Mums/Nannies with children playing, groups of schoolchildren doing art, the usual kind of thing.
I can only guess they emptied the Park [or a section of it] for the filming which is a bit odd... They could have paid extras to do the activities mentioned above.
Raphaelite-Girl..You are right, the episode the OP was referring to was "Three Legs Good",which incidentally is being shown on ITV3 (UK) this Saturday May 21st.