Anyone playing Stanley Kubrick?

Cast list seems to say no but does anyone know if anyone will be playing Stanley Kubrick?


Its john malkovich's character i believe who is posing as stanley kubrick

*Bring out the gimp
~I think the Gimp is sleeping
*Maybe you should go wake him up then!



You obviously need to re-read the question.

You also need to re-watch (or at least listen to the soundtrack) Pulp Fiction.


I think It'll be fantastic if no one plays him



I'm looking forward to seeing Stanley Tucci play Kubrick in "The Life and Death of Peter Sellers"... it'll be interesting at the very least.


Kubrick probably won't show up in the plotline so much. Maybe communicating by letters. If they need him for some shot or other, maybe a television sequence, I'm sure they can dig up stock footage.


Why not John Rhys-Davies? They have a passing resemblance.


He shouldn't actually show up throughout the movie, unless there's a twist ending. If they named an actor to be playing him, it would kind of give away the twist ending, don't you think?

Oh, no, Mrs. Robinson. I think you're the most attractive of all my parent's friends.


If anyone, it should be Rob Reiner. He has quite a resemblance to Kubrick.


If anyone, it should be Rob Reiner. He has quite a resemblance to Kubrick

Heh, now THERE'S a message worthy of being "deleted by an administrator."


~ WoW!.. That sounds pretty odd & interesting in the sametime.




Disagree. The storyline is fascinating enough without the need to include the real Stanley Kubrick in the plot believe you me.


Completely disagree, once people understand roughly who Stanley Kubrick is, there is absolutely no place for him in this film. If you go to see this purely because you're interested in Stanley Kubrick, you'll be really disappointed.


Why would Kubrick appear in this movie? It doesnt talk about him, but about someone who plays him...


Kubrick isn't played by anoyone in the film. The film isn't about Kubrick but the man pretending to be him. The closest you get is a call to his assistant.


also, the fact that when the events this film is based on occured kubrick was already dead, so it would be quite tasteless to have him appear in it. have been waiting for this film for 2 years nearly, can't believe they've changed the release dates but still don't have a uk one grr


Didn't the guy (forgotten his name - the imposter) die 2 weeks before Kubrick? In Frederick Raphaels book, Eyes Wide Open, he say's so.


Stanley Kubrick:
Died March 7, 1999

Alan Conway (Kubrick Imposter):
Died December 5, 1998



Well, if he was in the film, Oliver Platt would be brilliant as Kubrick.

How was I supposed to know they'd have a can of shark repellent bat-spray handy!?


Wrong, Immaterialworld.

"Conway snr died at home on December 5 last year, just a few months before the man whose identity he had so profitably adopted expired in his country mansion."
Source: Sunday Times-Lifestyle-28th March 1999.

This is a VERY useful article, it explains a lot, why he posed, who he was, that he was a compulsive liar, telling people he was born a Jew who escaped Nazi occupation. It's clear from this, the dude was a complete nutbar.


