Does anyone know where you can find anything about the real Alan Conway, the man who this film is about.

I found an interesting article about the guy who died three months before Kubrick in real life.,,30123,00.html#article_continue

Apparently, he appeared on television a few times after he was caught. Interested in seeing what the guy actually look and sounded like-- apparently Malkovich did a pretty accurate job playing him...


Thanks for the link, that's a fascinating article

As I was watching this fantastic movie, Jim Davidson on the big screen - who would have thought it? I remembered an old friend in Harlesden who had talked about meeting Stanley Kubrick. Stanley had been interested in her music and wanted to take her under his wing. I thought nothing of it at the time and then lost touch but could this be a coincidence? Needy Performer in NW London meets reclusive film director?

Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed the film, the nuances of the costumes were not lost on me and it was a joy to see so many top British actors. I loved the scene where Conway is filling up his generic cola can with generic vodka before he gets on the tube. Genius. Genuis all round.
