Yay for Australia!

June 6th at your local art house cinema complex. Rejoice my Kubrick brothers and sisters!

"I have a zest for life. So sue me."


Not just in art house cinemas, its being shown in Hoyts in canberra which is a very big mainstream cinema chain. June 8


Horray! I can't wait to see it on saturday.

"I have a zest for life. So sue me."


In the true ANZAC style, it is also on release in New Zealand (the Rialto complexes)....I saw it this morning and was a little disappointed in it, being a great admirer of Malkovich and of Kubrick ("Paths of Glory" is one of my "best five movies ever made").The premise and development were interesting, just as in "Catch me if you can", but there was a sameness about most of the situations...the best line was "Jesus would have been great if he'd had a guitar." But I am still pleased to have seen it and certainly can't understand why it wouldn't have been released in the UK or in the USA.
