Outside of Malkovich's very good performance, this film was repetitive junk. All it showed was Conway hanging out in bars trying to convince guys that he's Stanley Kubrick so they'll either give him free drinks/food, or sleep with him. It gets old real quick, and we get no insight as to what drives Conway's need to escape the insignificance of his life. Also, every single character in the movie is apparently an idiot, mainly because they simply believe Conway's word, and they never bother asking him to show any kind of proof that he's Stanley Kubrick. In fact, with one exception, none of them even ask him info on any of Kubrick's movies! It's ridiculous. In the end, I wouldn't recommend this to anyone unless your a die-hard Kubrick fan who wants to see anything that simply involves his name being mentioned. It truly is a terrible movie, 2/10.
Formally known as Coilector