Why does this have such a low rating
When no-one's reviewed it? Has anyone actually *seen* this pic?
shareWhen no-one's reviewed it? Has anyone actually *seen* this pic?
shareI just entered a comment. If you're a Kubrick fan with a little sens of humour, you'll love this very intelligent film, that isn't only a comedy about a con.
shareWell, I just saw it, and I'm not all that surprised if it has a low rating.
I don't know if it is "true ..ish" as it says. If you use Google to see anything about Alan Conway, the person who is supposed to have impersonated Kubrick (to trick people out of money?), then there is only one item - a 1999 article in the London Observer newspaper which could easily be a piece written as a trailer for the movie....
My wife walked out, she thought it was 'cringing' - I stuck it out even though half way through I began to wonder who are the people who fund the fantasies of actors. Malkovich has been in some good movies but I always have the idea he is poking fun at the profession. This movie is his opportunity to either actually enjoy poking fun or simply as a vehicle for him to indulge himself.... Cannot make up my mind which, but it doesn't deserve high billing as either.
where is it showing exactly??
shareAt a central towel support on the new Victoria line, not far from the third doorknob on the left; precisely.
Nothing exists more beautifully than nothing.
I know he's a real dude and I also know his collection of suction elements is second to the other guy that collects them.
Nothing exists more beautifully than nothing.
I saw the premiere of this movie at the Tribeca Film Festival, it was fantastic! It should have a higher rating then this.
I have been desperately searching for this film for three years and I can't find it yet. Please, whoever has watched it might tell me all the detailes? I have read so many French bad reviews which said it contained so many homosexual scenes and coarse references,is that true?
shareIt's got heeps of good reviews in Australia and is getting a mainstream cinema release next week.
share ***********SPOILER ALERT****************
I went to a preview sceening of the film last night and thought is was fantastic.
I have been trying to find info about Alan Conway on whom the film was based, but there is little available.
He seemed to have such a pathetic life but the film brought colour to it.
I loved that it was so funny and well done. The character is such a disgusting excentric creature but is so entertaining and interesting at the same time. The different accents he comes out with, along with his costumes and hair is priceless!!
All the support actors do a terrific job in their characters as well.( Love Lee)Bravo.
I do understand how some could be a little offended or creeped out by it, but the clever script makes this bearable.
The scene in the mental home toward the end had me in stiches and is hands down one of the best parts. When Kubrick asks the nurse "Do you know who I am" and she replies "No, but if you ask the hall supervisor she will tell you"
Eventhough the ending is really a non event, I thought it wrapped the plot perfectly. They could have come up with some over the top thing, but the fact that Alan Conway was never prosecuted didn't really leave a lot of options to play with.
I mean...it wasn't really that clever or good or anything really...
For starters I couldn't believe they used that corny old joke in the mental hospital "do you know who I am?" "No, I don't, but if you ask the nurse, she might be able to tell you", I mean dear God...you can't be serious...
Anyway these are the problems with the movie:
1. Malkovich went kinda overboard. I mean I somewhat enjoyed his performance, but you know a bit indulgent at times, bordering on silly.
2. Filling the rest of the roles with poor performances. Maybe with the exception of Lynda Barron, Peter Bowls and the Reporter guy (whatever his name was) everyone's performance in this film was pretty poor, even amateurish. Some of it was laughable.
3. Why is it that everyone in this film who was gay was so Campy?? I couldn't understand that at all. Anyone playing a gay character in this film was just so way over the top, and feminine, it was like a Carry On Film...I appreciate the fact that there was some over-the-top acting in A Clockwork Orange, but in that film, it was spread across different types of characters and used in specific situations, and it worked, not in this film though.
4. The film didn't really understand what it was trying to do or say. We knew Malkovich wasn't Kubrick. We know he's going to rip people off, so what does he do? Go round and round in almost meaningless situations getting out of people not an awful lot...motivation? Character? well we don't really see a lot of that.
I feel that this film was a rather poor attempt to make a Kubrick film with none of the real understanding about what it is to make a film. It's not easy to just copy another artists work and expect the same results. The scene in the restaurant with Marisa Berenson even highlighted the poor editing in the film.
I went to see this movie in France in a cinema on the Champs Elysee. The French audience sat in stony silence while my girlfriend and I laughed our heads off throughout. It's one of those films you either get or not. I think the fact that we are both very into cinema helped. The point is that Kubrik was the ultimate film director and at the same time a recluse. Few people knew what he looked like and he had the power to fulfill the dreams of almost everyone - because almost everyone has some kind of dream connected with the glamorous world of cinema. Conway spotted an opportunity to exploit people by posing as Kubrik and encouraging them to believe that he might be able to wave a magic wand and fulfill their showbiz ambitions.
The humour lies in the different ways in which people make utter fools of themselves by laying their dreams before 'Kubrik' and John Malkovich''s flamboyant interpretation of Conway - who didn't even bother to learn which films Kubrik had made. Malkovich takes this idea of a 'lazy' con artist and has him alter his accent according to his mood and the person he is talking to - half-heartedly custom building the con for each mark. It's a film about how gullible and absurd we become when we think we see an easy chance to fulfill our ultimate dreams. Rather than create a tedious docudrama about the real Conway the film makers have picked up the ball and run with it - teasing out a minor comic masterpiece from the thin material of the shoddy life of Allan Conway. To enjoy it you need to understand who Stanley Kubrik was and what he meant to anyone with ambitions to be involved in the film business. You also need to have a taste for the over-the-top, the camp, the life 'as a slow-motion train crash'.
The film pushes its own boundaries relentlessly demonstrating a courageous and generous impulse to chase the entertainment potential in the premise.
While I loved it I could also see it would not be to everyone's taste - and I don't just mean the French...
You will be fighting at close quarters with the most tenacious of all sea beasts.
I saw this film in Australia and to me this film isn't meant some kind of perfect oscar winning masterpiece. I believe that it's meant to be a tribute to Stanley from two men who knew him well, a present for all of his fans.
Afterall I was one of the only people in the cinema to really laugh at all the moments when they referenced Stanley Kubrick's films. I think my two favourite references were when they nearly perfectly replicated the scene from A Clockwork Orange when two thugs with bowler hats make trouble for an old couple and near the end when that singer found out who Alan Conway and then they play what I call the "Sad Barry Lyndon music" that's heard in Barry Lyndon at times of great sadness.
I also loved all the little nudges for film buffs such as "I told Maddona 'Stick to singing. It's what your good at'" and "Who have you got for your new film?" "John Malkovich. The studio isn't happy they say he's not big enough to carry a picture on his ownbut he's one of the best actors of this generation"
It wasn't great but it was entertaining
"I have a zest for life. So sue me."
But all those Kubrick references were so laboured and obvious, the jokes you could see coming a mile off
shareProbably because only REAL hardcore Kubrick fans can appreciate all the inside jokes. Starting with the excellent use of music from numerous Kubrick films, and cinematographic homages to Clockwork Orange, The Shining, 2001, and Barry Lyndon. If one hasn't seen these films numerous time a lot of this would slide right by unnoticed. Lots of fun for Kubrick devotees--probably incomprehensible for everyone else. My husband and I, who adore Kubrick, loved this little gem. A VERY pleasant and funny surprise for two viewers who usually detest John Malkovich. Highly recommended to Kubrick lovers--others would do well too pass--they just won't get it!
shareOK.. so i'm not one of these smug film nerds who could pick up on the inside jokes and subtle references to old kubrick movies... but devices like that should enhance a movie, not form the substance of it.
I left the cinema feeling drained of energy and in need of a pint and some stimulating conversation. There was no plot development and no character development. Although we saw the con take many shapes and involve many different players, the story was lacking depth and after the joke had been played out once or twice, I wanted to see things move on.
I totally understand why the films IMDB rating is so low.
Saw it.
Huge Kubrick fan. Malkovich fan too.
That being said, this movie did nothing for me. I actually didn't even finish it. I am always quick to bash people for negatively commenting on movies they don't finish. But I honestly couldn't take any more.
I was really pumped about watching it too. Big disappointment imo. I rented two pretty bad movies last weekend. This movie and "Firstborn" with Elizabeth Shue. I would definitely recommend Firstborn over this movie and it wasn't that good either.
I gave it 4 of 10. That was extremely generous.
I love Stanley Kubrick. I like John Malkovich (usually). But I turned this movie off after 20 minutes.
Human Beings...Wowshare
this is one of the funniest and the most entertaining films i've ever seen! and for those who didn't get it, it's true... ISH story. for example, star wars is true...ISH story. not because it IS true, it's because it PRETENDS to be.
I'm watching it right now and if I was interested more I wouldn't be writing this. I'm a kubrick fan and also a fan of malkovich, but not a fan of this movie.
you say you'll change the Constitution well, you know, we all want to change your Head
It's not that we didn't get it, we got it all right, it just wasn't very good at it...
shareI'm a mid-level fan of both Kubrick and Malkovich, and I found the film delightful, for many of the reasons listed in the comments/reviews of other people who liked the film.
The only area where I think it could have been improved is showing us the extent of the relationships Conway had with his admiring young men, instead of leaving it all up to us to guess. In 2005, we can (could) handle it.
I also like that it's a film with a queer antihero who is just a queer antihero, and not a symbol used to cast judgment (or heap praise) on an entire group of people. I haven't seen the entire documentary short about this, but a minute clip seems to indicate Malkovich both looked and acted the part with accuracy (contrary to what some have said in the IMDb boards for this film). And for a true story, it doesn't seem to have told us any particularly outrageous lies (and if it did, how would we even know?) which I find refreshing.
haven't seen the entire documentary short about this, but a minute clip seems to indicate Malkovich both looked and acted the part with accuracy (contrary to what some have said in the IMDb boards for this film). And for a true story, it doesn't seem to have told us any particularly outrageous lies (and if it did, how would we even know?) which I find refreshing.
I'm a huge Kubrick fan and thought this movie fell flat, big time.