MovieChat Forums > Layer Cake (2005) Discussion > First few lines of the movie...

First few lines of the movie...

In the first few lines of the movie, he talks about how one day all drugs will be legalized, because there are billions to be made. This is probably my tenth or so time watching the film, but I'm curious at how everyone else feels about that. Not about drug use, but the truth behind what he says. It seems legitamate to me that certain drugs will be legalized eventually. Marijuana is well on its way. I'm curious as to whether anyone thinks any other illegal drugs will ever become legal, and if so, when. You may also include your opinion on whether you're for or against it, but I'd appreciate if we kept this civilized.


a lot of factors have to transpire but i do think that overall, yes it is moving in that direction. maybe not as soon as XXXX indicated in the voice over. may still be decades away or centuries. and of course there could be a large and significant swing of the pendulum BACK toward conservative principles, which would hold it off for more time.

but regarding the trend as we now see it, yeah there's more and more acceptance of narcotics as 'normal'

just look at all the states in the US which just legalised pot about 6 months ago.

"You are literally too stupid to insult."

"Thank you."


I don't think we'll see cocaine, crack, meth, heroin formally legalized. What we'll see is the world governments coming to terms with it by allowing multi-national conglomerates produce and distribute sanitized forms of these drugs in the guise of mental health and physiological remedial medicine (a la Paxil, Xanax, Zoloft, etc.)



That has already been happening for decades. People who need to escape reality with drugs for no medically valid reason buy drugs because they can get them without an excuse from a doctor.


In the first few lines of the movie, he talks about how one day all drugs will be legalized, because there are billions to be made.

The only people to make billions will be the government, because almost all the money will go to the taxman. Like with tobacco.



"Whats this day of rest sh!t? Whats this BULLLL SH_T? I dont f@ckin care! It dont matter to Jesus!"


First society will have to get to the point where it realizes these types of decisions are part of free will and the consequences which go with it.


Only weed will be legalized in certain countries/states etc. Heroin, cocaine,Blue "Walt" meth ;) Will never be. To much cash will always be involved.
Realistically... The places that are available for legally purchasing where originally government trials on the quiet. The powers that be... will never legalize the top products. It's a big "Food" chain of money so to speak.


As long as there is money to be made they eventually will. It's all about supply and demand. I cannot wait until magic mushroom will be made legal. Now I have to resort to visiting The Netherlands 2 times a year.

Always look for the positive in every situation.


A silly and absurd contention(in the film, not you). Drugs are so expensive and lucrative because they are illegal. Once you remove the illegality the price will drop dramatically and it will no longer be the "easy" cash cow.
Risk vs Reward.



I'm sure that, in this nation, the most active lobbyists against legalization of drugs are the ones making the most from its lack of regulation.

"Victor, what are we going to do to stop this fiendish tit?"
