So, in season 10 of Friends, the one who was most upset about all the changes being made (particularly Monica and Chandler's move to the 'burbs) was Joey.
So, he's that upset about them moving out of the city to a suburb 45 minutes away, so he moved across the country?
Yes, but why have the whole buildup of him being so mad about all the changes if they were going to move him to California and never see, talk to or talk about his friends again?
It's been a while since I saw it, so I can't remember the dialogue, but they address that exact point in the pilot. Something like 'I was so annoyed at my friends moving awa and out of my life, but then I realised it was natural, and I had to get on with my life so I moved here' ---------------- Every man for himself- and God against all.
but still he never mentioned any of his FRIENDS from NY. And so none of them appears in the show for a visit which i find pretty disappointing. he doesn´t seem to miss any of them, not even Chandler! And does he ever use his patented "how you doin'" on any chick?
He does use his How You Doin' in the show but finds it harder, because he has to start all over again with his reputation!
About the missing thing... the writers first wanted to let 'Joey' be a show for itself before having guest appearances from any of the friends! That's why you don't hear a lot about it...
In the pilot is a funny thing about Joey and Chandler...
Gina: Yeah this is a good place for couples to, especially gay couples! Joey: Damnit Chandler and I are NOT a gay couple!!
I don't know why they reused actors from Friends in different parts - like the "British" girl Monica and Pheobe used to know as Bobbie and the guy who played the creepy guy who lived with Chandler for a while coming back and dating Gina.
Keep your eyes on the road! Okay, if it makes you feel any better! ~ See No Evil, Hear No Evil
I think they should mention Joey leaving at the end of Season Ten, so we get a proper goodbye to Joey from all the Friends. It's just like Friends ended all happy, then Joey the show came along and he's like moved, you never know how it ended with the Friends. Do they still keep in contact? Are they still friends?
I never got closure about what happened between Joey and the friends. He never mentions them apart from a couple of episodes and we never get any hint that he still talks to them. I know it's about Joey trying to stand on his own as a show. But everyone who loves Friends will watch Joey so I think it's only natural they would mention the Friends.
The thing that annoys me is, in the friends episode were chandler is talking about the new house to joey he mentions a room above the garage that was specifically for joey saying that joey was going to live with him and monica.
Really wish they'd do a Friends movie and fix everything that was ruined by making the joey series, but i guess that will never happen.