any plans?

to release seaon 2 on dvd in the UK?


I emailed Warner Bros UK back in March and this was the response:

We are planning on releasing Season 2 of Joey but it won’t be until much later in the year and at present I can not confirm anything. Please feel free to check back with me in a few months when I may be able to give you more information.

Obviously that was nine months ago and maybe they have a clearer idea of whether they will release it or not so it might be worth emailing them again. The address if you want to email them is:

[email protected]




the Canadian release will play on UK DVD players. I bought it from and it plays on my region 2 DVD player which isn't region free.


the Canadian release will play on UK DVD players. I bought it from and it plays on my region 2 DVD player which isn't region free.

That is very interesting indeed. If that is the case, I might actually think about buying the Canadian release. Do you have any other region 2 DVD players that you can test it on to see whether it works on all of them?


Get it from, the American version. Warner Bros DVDs post 2004 play on region 2 players when they are region 1. I own soo many.

Smallville, Thursdays 8/7C on The CW


i am not allowed to buy off internet


Get it from, the American version. Warner Bros DVDs post 2004 play on region 2 players when they are region 1. I own soo many.

Wow, that's great. I may just have to invest in that sometime then. Although it is actually the Canadian version so you'd have to go to
