Top 250 #127 WOW INDIANS
Another Victory Indians ! What is next movie to bring it top Top250???!!!!
shareAnother Victory Indians ! What is next movie to bring it top Top250???!!!!
shareThe top 250 is now a worthless measure.
IMDB came up because the net had a need that had to be filled. With the IMDB top 250 rapidly becoming obsolete, some other college students will create a new IMDB starting with a new Top 250.
IMDB will go the way of Yahoo, yielding to Google. If ImDB doesn't adapt, it will become obsolete.
Hmm, maybe Google will start a movie ratings system - Google, now's your chance, I have been loyal to IMDB for over 11 years - but I'm almost fed up.
What hump?
No, it would just take a skilled computer programmer and/or statistician to come up with a valid way to properly evaluate voting to ensure that one group isn't gaming the system.
This is called Survey Research and it's a standard practice for any sort of system like IMDB.
You can pretend this is about racism or some silliness but it's about good survey systems. It's time for IMDB to grow and keep up with various global tactics. Any good survey system has methods to evaluate valid from invalid votes or noise in the system - people who are gaming the system or answering randomly.
Gaming IMDB is not akin to Global Cyber Terrorism but it isn't completely unrelated either. IMDB needs to adapt or become obsolete, just like Anthem and Sony etc. need to adapt or go bankrupt because they cannot protect the functioning of their company from invalid influences.
Here - Education is key - and better yet, look at JSTOR if you have access. #q=invalid+responses+survey
What hump?
No, you can take on a victim mentality and with vanity and pride manufacture a podium where you speak for the entire Indian sub-continent if you like.
However, all I'm asking for is high-level scientifically valid survey methods to be applied to the IMDB and that the chips would fall where they may.
When such survey methods are applied, I would expect that various other Western movies would fall off the top 250 (some of which I like) and other movies such as Hispanic, Asian and African movies, for example, would eventually or immediately move onto the top 250.
What hump?