Why are all the people from Black Mesa in the United Sates now in Eastern Europe?
Earth's population was decimated during the seven hour war, and since the "suppression field" stopped people from reproducing (which judging from the lack of children, or for that matter teens had been in force for a reasonable amount of time) there are nowhere near the number of people in the world that there really are. As a result, the whole world colonized together, thus forcing people to move far and wide. All the Black Mesa staff probably relocated together to keep the resistance going.
And is Black Mesa East the headquarters of the global resistance, or just the City 17 one? Is there resistance happening all over the globe?
Unsure about this one, but I'm going to assume the one in City 17 is the leading one, if not only.
And if they're in Eastern Europe, why dosn't anyone you meet have an Eastern European accent?
Father Grigori did, but I know this hardly makes up the numbers. This isn't exactly a flaw only found in this game though, countless films and games have Americans playing roles no matter where its set!
And why is the headquarters called Black Mesa East, as opposed to West or South?
Because its in Eastern Europe. And is that really anything to complain about? If if was called Black Mesa West would you be asking why they didn't name it Black Mesa East?