MovieChat Forums > Half-Life 2 (2004) Discussion > havent played the 1st should i play 2?

havent played the 1st should i play 2?

i jus got the orange box for ps3 the other day. now 1st im guessin that those of you that are hardcore computer gamers are probably groaning right bout now but well what can i say? but well you might ask why i got the game to begin with but well i got it cause it was in the orange box set that came with 2 other games and it was cheap. actually 4 other games but 2 others are half life games.

well point is while i know that half life is supposed to be a very good series of games i just want to know if i should bother playing half life 2 if i havent played the 1st. will i be able to enjoy the game or will i be completely lost. i started playing the game a lil bit but i in the 1st minute i couldnt tell what was going on. i dont know if thats just the way the game is. if you dont figure out whats going on till you get half way into it. but hell could i just even find a summary of the 1st game online and still be able to enjoy the 1st?


All you need to know about HL1 is that you, Dr. Gordon Freeman, opened up a portal to allow aliens to take over the giant Black Mesa science laboritory. At various points of the game you see a mysertious man with a suit and tie, but other then that there are no characters of importance. You defeated the alien threat, closed the portal and take the job offer the myserious man with the suit offers you... HL2 carries on from there.

There will be characters that will recognise you in HL2, but they weren't in the first game anyway.

$ sudo make CHEEZEBURGER --mayo -off
system made you CHEEZEBURGER but ated it :-(


You also need to know that HALF-LIFE is better than HALF-LIFE 2 so there's no reason why you shouldn't play it.


Play the first 30 minutes of the first game so you know what its about (its really fun). Then, watch the ending on youtube.




