HL2 Machinima

So I've been working on a HL2/Garry's MOD machinima since about August of '09. It began similarly to Red vs Blue, but with a more Family Guy/Frisky Dingo style of humor.

My initial thought was that if I made enough episodes, people would start to watch. 7 episodes and 8 months later that doesn't seem to be the case. I have very good ratings but can't seem to break more than a few thousand views (most are 200-500). People keep telling me "you need to advertise" by plugging the videos on posting boards, forums, etc. I've never been one for advertising, and I enjoy making these videos, but if enough people aren't watching them it's just not worth the work.

So, here I am, grovelling for attention. Keep in mind this was my first attempt at anything like this, so while the first few episodes are a bit rough around the edges (Episode 1 still has the HUD) they get technically better as they go along.

Thusly, I present to you, Overwatch Unit 7:


(please be gentle)

Sanity is the playground of the unimaginative.
