
I'd been looking forward to playing this game when it first came out and finally years later my wish came true.

Guess what though? After playing through most of the game I've come to the conclusion that good as it is it is overrated and is not as good as the original Half-Life!

Yes, it's bigger with more monsters, more variety, etc.,but.......

The original, with most of the game taking place inside was better. Some of the surprises you could see coming, but they still made you jump. In Half-Life 2 they're not used enough. The tension from the original just doesn't seem there as much, probably because there is so much play taking place outside. If your stuck inside with nowhere to run, nowhere to hide it does make a difference in taking out that next enemy quickly.

Obviously game reviewers cannot play through to the end so what you are getting is an initial impression which can be misleading. Initial impressions are good, but after playing through most of the game it just feels too drawn out. You just don't feel the danger, the tension of the original. There are too many safe points.

So,summing up. A very good game, but it does not deserve the same accolades and classic status as the first.


While I agree Half-Life 2 does not have the same luster as the first, overrated is going a little too far. Keep in mind, this game is now 7 years old; considerably outdated now. However, in 2004 when it came out the game was revolutionary! Half life 2 was the first full length video game with an official physics engine. When I heard objects in this game obeyed the laws of gravity, air density, friction, buoyancy, etc I was in awe.

When I played the first half life it was unlike any game I have ever experienced. I never played a game with such detail, progression, mystery, etc. I was totally sucked into the Half Life world. Furthermore, I never met a game with such elaborate and difficult puzzles, the game could really be a brain bender at times. After receiving this initial shock, it's difficult to experience that kind of feeling again. Simply put, it's very difficult to make an effective sequel in general; let alone another innovative masterpiece. So yes, from a structural standpoint I suppose I can understand the "more of the same" viewpoint.

That being said, I highly disagree that Half Life 2 is "overrated." I feel like Valve took on the impossible responsibility of making a sequel of equal magnitude to the first Half-Life. Despite the impossible task, Valve exceeded my expectations, they delivered another breakthrough for gaming! Half Life 2 is almost like a movie; providing a great plot, amazing character development, and more. I really felt engulfed in the world of half life behind a mute character fighting with the resistance against the combine. I got more curious and eager to progress the further I played the game.

Honestly, the only reason I enjoyed the first Half Life more was because it provided something unseen before in the world of gaming; the beginning of a spectacular and revolutionary series. Half Life changed the gaming world forever, and I suggest playing the game and it's sequels through to fully understand and appreciate it. I know playing Episode 2 makes me anxious for the third and final installment to complete this fantastic puzzle!


The Half Life's revolutionized gaming through their exceptional

scripted sequences, stellar narrative flow, interesting game characters, and chilling atmosphere and settings.


He wasn't talking about the game's visuals.
He meant that he didn't like the gameplay that much. What was great about the first one that it puts you into many up-close fights and the enemies very really intelligent (of course not perfect). Still it never felt like going on where the developers wanted you to. The level designs were all non-linear and there were parts when you had to do hide-and-seek with the soldiers. It sounds tedious but it was really challenging.

As for me I didn't like that in many HL2 levels you had to repeat what you had to do. There were too much parts where the conclusion was right in front of you then you followed the path that was given and repeat the same thing. Like blowing barrels up in the tunnels or throwing saws at the zombies. It was fast-paced and creative but it was too visible what the level designers were doing.

I don't find HL2 over-rated today and I shouldn't get mad on overly positive reviews but my expectations were very high.
I think the best part of HL2 was the Citadel because it was REALLY creative and spooky. The one with ant-lions and the first appearance of the Striders very also really cool.

"But they knew they f**ed up." James Rolfe as AVGN


I don't think HL2 is overrated, but I can sympathize with some of the OP's criticisms.

In Half-life 1, you start out deep underground at the reactor and then start heading towards the surface. Most of the game's tension comes from your desperate attempts to reach the surface (and the numerous times you nearly reach it then are suddenly thwarted). The expansion packs (Opposing Force and Blue Shift) used this same style of gameplay but from different perspectives (which worked pretty well, I thought).

In Half-life 2, the beginning of the game starts with a fantastic escape sequence but since most the game takes place outdoors, there's little of the claustrophobic tension that's present in the first game. The over-reliance on physics-based puzzles seems rather quaint seven years later, as well.

I would speculate that Valve isn't really sure how to evolve the Half-life series' gameplay at this point and that's why episode 3 is taking so long.


As someone above mentioned I also believe that Valve are not sure how and in what direction to evolve HalfLife and that is why it is taking so long


I'm in the minority here when I state that I consider Half-life 2 to be a vast
improvement over the 1st one.
The 2nd game was far more interesting to play with many more characters to encounter.
Also the environments were far more varied from the underground tunnels to
the creepy looking Ravenholm area.
Also I think there were more puzzles or situations where you were challenged
to exercise your gray matter than in the 1st one.

Another plus was that the graphics and animation were certainly better than in the 1st one.

“Once you label me, you negate me”
- Kierkegaard



So far it isn't as good as I've heard, but then again it is an 11 year old game.
