i saw the european version i guess, so it didnt have the gore scenes in it or whatever. i did watch the gore scenes on like youtube though so i know about those parts. but i keep hearing people saying she turns into a serial killer at the end. i can't find that part. can somebody explain to me what happens at the end? like a step by step explanation...?
Yes, that was the alternate ending on the dvd I hired. Basically it shows the normal ending but then there are scenes added on where a reporter talks of all these male rapists, sadists etc that have been abducted and killed. In between you see clips of Jennifer making her own scrap book similar to those used by the brothers for their victims and it cuts to an interview where a reporter says something like (definitely not a direct quote) "After your abduction a year ago you would be able to offer some insight into these crimes," to Jennifer. Jennifer explains how angry she gets at men who take out their anger on women. The reporter then asks her how she deals with it, to which she replies: "In my own way." It then cuts to a shot of a guy in the plaster mask, hose thing the brothers used, I think with her walking away. Anyway this is just a general outline and I have probably missed some things but hope it sort of helps, lol.