VHS tapes? What year was this supposed to be?
It was on Showtime tonight, on in the background so I barely paid attention. But then I saw the bad guys "tape" her tortures and they were using VHS tapes. What? Does anyone even sell VHS tapes anymore? Plus, didn't this guy have one of the most tricked out video torture set ups ever? I saw a scene where he was sitting in front of a bunch of high end monitors all linked in a very, very sophisticated way. Would a guy like that being using VHS tapes like a 7/11 store security camera? Dumb. I've been recording shows on DVD's for years and everything else is either hard drive or digital in some way, cameras, TV's, recorders, etc.
So, was this supposed to be modern times or did I miss something and this story takes place in the 80's or early 90's?