A great blooper :)

I noticed that everytime she was on the bed, unconscious, her feet stayed perfectly together! First it didn't register to me why it looked odd, but then I realized it. If you don't believe me that it's not normal, go lie on your bed and relax your legs and feet. Your feet WILL turn outside. Your toes will not point straight up :D


Methinks you have a foot fetish...

Dear Mary, you who gave birth without sin, teach me how to sin and not give birth.


A foot fetish? No.


Hehe, I agree with the OP. You're obviously right, she must have been doing it conciously (as most ladies tend to do to not look unattractive or something, as I once heard =s )


That's your idea of a great blooper?


Hey ESalem,

I reckon Elisha would have to do a lot worse than not point her toes upwards to look unattractive!

'What?! Am I holding a crock of sh*t? Is this hospital called Saint Crock of Sh*t?!'
