What (among other things) really made no sense... (spoilers)
I mean, there were plenty things that didn't make a lot of sense in this movies, most of which have been brought up countless times.
My brother and I bought this movie (it was in one of those cheap bins at the movie store) to watch on the laptop on the plane ride. I didn't actually hate it, but I mean, as far as stupid gory flicks go, it wasn't terrible.
But what neither of us couldn't understand was that like... so, at the end, she becomes a serial killer. She's offing all the other serial killers that kill innocent people etc, and she even says on the interview they got what they deserved. (As someone else said on these boards, most of these people might be red flagged, no?)
But WHY didn't she keep Gary alive. I mean, yeah, he kinda tortured her and it seems he may or may have not killed the dog, but she did seem to like him/love him up until she found out he was the one behind her entire ordeal.
If she had just kept Gary alive, they're sick relationship really could have aided in her vigilantiness. Even though she was killing serial killers. You would just think that maybe, someone as tiny as her, might need a little bit of help subduing these big burly (I assume, since they'd been able to overcome their victims) killers.
It was just one of the many things that didn't make sense, to us, at least.