MovieChat Forums > Captivity (2007) Discussion > SEX SCENES- STUPID !!!!! SPOILERS


this film wasnt half as bad as i expected,was getting bit concerned we would half whole film of her being tortured but it moved on .my point is them having having any female ,please tell would anyone who would fell like sex after what u have been through eating body parts and blowing your dog would be last thing on your mind.then to make things even more laughable he's managed to seduce the other women.


And in English with proper grammar please...
Didn't understand it at all.

"Movies don't create psychos, movies make psychos more creative!"
- Scream


But the pont he was attempting to make remains the same. The movie is beyond stupid at the besta times, but the "love story" as the director refers to it, and the lame "sex scene" just make no sense.

What this dude says is right. If you were a chick trapped in a high tech prison/dungeon and had drank a bodyparts milkshake, shot your dog, not showered in 4 days(I'm gonna go with this assumption since there was nothing to suggest she did shower) and met a fellow captive who even someone with an ounce of intelligence would notice knows their way around much too well and just isn't quite right, would you really "fall in love with him" and then have sex right there and then?

Of course not is the answer from any sane person.


Obviously she wasn't sane any longer by that part of the movie, enough with the nitpicking.


Actually, I disagree on that one & it's even quite easily albeit moronically explained in the movie itself. Having sex with her fellow prisoner is a short trip back to 'reality' for Jennifer from the surreal situation she's in (what's real is what you can touch). Kind of like an escape from reality to a different & nicer kind of reality. All they have is each other & extreme situations dó call for extreme measures. Obviously you can't write this off as being the Stockholm syndrome (since she's clueless about the guy's part in it), but the whole thing does make sense. Women -& people in general for that matter- are often more likely to put out when they're vulnerable. At that point it was probably the only thing she could do to remain sane. I could really go into this by rambling on about how victims of torture tend to put the blame on their own bodies (as a 'tool' of the torturer), about how trying to get pleasure from it (more in the sense of comfort than actual sexual pleasures) is a way for the victim to stay in touch with his/her own self & how the whole psychology behind it is not very different from the psychology behind automutilation, but I can't be bothered... I hate defending a movie I really wanted to like, but ended up not liking the least bit.

I was a teenage movie title cliché


Your reasoning makes sense, motkop. And in a better film the scenario would probably be quite touching.

It's just a pity that in this cheap piece of trash, it came across as laughable and quite, quite dreadful.


come on this film is just bad, theres not need to justify it!!

Peace x


motkop is right, it's been proven quite a few times by studies. If I remember well that is. It's actually strange that fear lead to things like that.

x-men 4 script:




AFTER WWII moron. It was no longer life and death at that point. It was a giant orgy celebration.


lol, I'm a heterosexual male and I wouldn't even be interested in sex with Elisha Cuthbert(terrible actress by the way) in this situation. This film was so bad I couldn't even make it to the last half hour, god knows I tried to get to the end, but I was bored to tears.


No, the whole sex scene does not make any sense unless we were shown Elisha Cuthbert's prior mental vulnerability, a hint of depression and not just loneliness. While captive we were never shown any moment when she tried to give up (sign #1 of weakness, mental vulnerability, or her spirit being broken) - you can put a victim in certain conditions that they become so mentally vulnerability that they would do anything with their abuser or for the abuser. It's not impossible for victims to fall for each, but in such desperate times sex is the last thing you can do, want to do or know not to do with another victim when you feel like the eyes of the abuser that can easily end your life or the other victim's life is there.

the biggest silly and unrealistic part was where they finally held each other was the lusty looks they had for each other. The movie just wanted this sexual build up.


can't outrun your own shadow


Excuse me? Since when were women more likely to put out when they're vulnerable? Are you serious? I understand the rest of what you were saying, but really, to say women "put out" when they're vulnerable is just ridiculous. If they put out then that's just the kind of person they are. But I really doubt women (or anyone, for that matter) would become increasingly turned on when they're "vulnerable". Even if some guy and I were the last people on earth and the apocalypse was coming, I would certainly not spend my last moments having sex. Honestly. Furthermore they knew some perverted, sadistic sicko was watching and they still did it anyway. The entire sex scene was ridiculously stupid.

"Tool up, honey bunny. It's time to get bad guys."
"If your life had a face, I would punch it."


hey were trapped and being tortured.... wanna have sex now?

sure ok!!!


C'mon guys, she did him because he was "hot". I doubt that she would have serviced the other brother unless he threatened to kill her dog:)


I would find the whole film more interesting if the fat brother was the one to play the hero. But as it reveals later in the movie he never wants to. I think if she could fall for the hot guy she could fall for the fat guy. If the film was 30 minute longer they could have a prologue where the fat guy does have sex with a chick, or something like that.


I'm pretty sure I wouldnt pass on a root if I was in that situation, it could be your last, and your last time connecting with somebody.


I thought that was very unrealistic.

