MovieChat Forums > Captivity (2007) Discussion > After the Dog Scene *Spoilers I guess*

After the Dog Scene *Spoilers I guess*

After the "me or the dog" scene in which she kills the dog to spare herself, she gets put back in the room where (allegedly) her dog is behind some glass, intact. The antagonist then whisks the dog away and holds up a card saying "ha ha fooled you". It then changes to a different angle and the card reads "nobody's perfect" or something like that, but then switches back to the original message when the camera cuts back.

I was wondering if this was a goof or the antagonist actually flipped the card over (though it is not seen between cuts) to reveal another message. I noticed no one else has said anything about it, so I thought I'd mention it. This is in the R rated version, not the Spanish cut by the way.

Any ideas?


My mistake, it was "tricked you ha ha". Also, here are some screenshots:

Also I can see the "nobody's perfect" shot shows a gloved hand. Oh dear, I think this suffered a few errors between versions methinks.


Just watched it. I think it was a goof.
