hypocrisy.. Stupid Monk

Didn't he just teach the young boy a lesson when he tormented animals. Would YOU like to be held for at least 1 hour in the air uncomfortable and someone dips and stretches your leg in ink, while using it to write? hypocrisy. Not only that.. The cat can never leave the Boat, but you can u selfish monk.

Im not a Peta or animal fanatic, or even vegetarian. But i gotta say, it just doesn't make any sense

i Loved the movie, but this bothered me a lot


Cats like to be held. I do not see the issue here. The man respects his cat, gives it food and lets it walk around freely. Watch the movie if you didn't see the cat jumping off trees etc.

The wise monk you think is stupid, he deserves some much earned respect. The world revolves all around power, greed, money and lust. All 4 of these actually complement eachother.


yep, the cat climbs the tree. But not for a long time after it arrive on the boat.

It was held for a VERY long time (at least 1-1,5 hour), and its tale were used as a brush? Thats not so friendly to the cat.


I don't think that hurt the cat.
But that didn't make him happy, also.


I thought that's cute and a good idea to make the cat useful. :)


"Cats like to be held".

Some do, some don't. No cat likes to be held against its will and used as a paint brush for hours at a time, though. Watch the scenes. The actor has to have a death grip on the cat in a couple of them because it is SERIOUSLY pissed off and trying to get away.

"My name is Paikea Apirana, and I come from a long line of chiefs stretching all the way back to the Whale Rider."


Yeah I don't think the cat was too fond of it either. You can tell from it's growling that it wasn't happy. Not sure why he chose to use the cat's tail. What symbolism does that imply. I mean he obviously owned paint brushes so why use the cat?

It was still pretty interesting to watch and somewhat creative. Don't recall ever seeing that one before.

~What if this is as good as it gets?!~


Yes, it is creative and interesting to watch. But, I think the director or writer was trying to hard to boast creativity that they forgot about consistency.

Although being held like that won't kill the cat, but I thought the idea of his teaching was to respect animals as equal beings. Not saying that the monk is a hypocrite. I'm just saying that the movie isn't consistent enough in making its points.


Actually now that I think about your response, you answered my question and I think your own as well in the process.

The symbolism of animal equality in the form of creating something together. Obviously in this case the stylized writings and more importantly the message behind it.

~What if this is as good as it gets?!~


Wait, wait. I think you misunderstood what I said or I have failed to express my point clearly.

I don't think there really is a message behind using a cat's tail for painting. This is just my opinion, I think the film makers were too eager in showing off their creativity that they forgot the importance of consistency. Earlier in the movie, the monk chastised the boy for tying rocks to animals. But then, he himself held a cat against its will and dipped its tail into paint. Now, a wise monk shouldn't have difficulties in finding other ways to create a brush without giving unpleasant or harmful experience to a small animal. I don't think the cat appreciates being held against its will like that nor does it understand the monk's intention.

Sure, it's not the same as tying a rock to a small fish, which can result to its death. But still, what's the point of teaching compassion (for animals) if he himself can easily treat a cat like that (disregarding the feeling of the cat)? It's certainly not a symbolism of animal equality.


All animals are not equal, you out of touch hippie idiot.
But that doesn't mean you should treat lesser animals like crap or hurt them.
Neither of which the monk did.

So he used the cat as a paintbrush for a bit, and the cat was a little annoyed by it. BIG FREAKING DEAL. Get over it, he didn't harm the cat at all. It wasn't the same as tying a rock to it that could potentially kill it.

God, some people are just so unbelievably detached from reality & common sense.


All animals are not equal, you out of touch hippie idiot.

I didn't say all animals are equal, moron. I was only saying that it seems the ideology of the monk teaches to treat all creatures as equal. I can't imagine how retarded you need to be to not get that.

God, some people are just so unbelievably detached from reality & common sense.

Yes, you for one.

Now, go crawl back to your hole, tiny insect. I promise I won't hurt you. Don't bother to reply, you're on my ignore list with the other imbecile insects.


No, the ideology the monk teaches is Don't tie a rock to an animal that might die because you tied a damn rock to it.

I don't know how you make the jump from that to "The monk teaches to treat all animals as equals", but I don't want to know, because some of your retardation might rub off on me.
