This movie teaches you the FUTILITY about meditation, spritualism, etc
The movie will be dealt with in the end, after dealing with the premise the movie is made on.
Ive allways believed that mediatation and spiritualism is self destructive because it gives you inner peace but it does not change the reality around you. Its like if a boat has holes and is sinking, you have to fix the holes. But if you start painting the boat and start that *beep* ....i have such a lovely boat, radiant clours, webs of light, i am so happy and at peace then, well, thats the end of you.
Ironically, meditation might make some sense in the Western World where there are plenty of opportunities to start a new life. In India, where i come from, i have seen so many families being ruined because of a wrong decicion. If the father or mother has problems and he escapes it by mediatation, he finds his inner peace but the children are exposed to the harsh reality and they suffer.
On a larger scale the Tibetans believed in self awareness, inner peace, world peace, etc etc, and what happened ? They refused British help in the 30's to become a buffer state against China. The Dalai lama in those days sought inner peace, and created destruction for the Tibetan generations following him. I worship the present Dali Lama as a good man, but a man out of sync with reality.
Now, come back to the movie. ( MINOR SPOILER ) The first part, spring is shown so beautifully. The child is taught such a beautiful lesson by the master. But what happens with all the teaching ? Did it help ? Eventually the child turns into a murderer. The point is that if you want to develop you need classical Education, and exposure to life around you, and Buddhism is one religion which concentrates too much on God, peace, love, spiritualism, etc ruins a person ( or that persons family ) in the real world.
even monkeys fall from trees