If Nicole Kidman's South African accent is any good? I'm asking because I saw the film recently and I was wondering if the accent is realistic. Can anyone from South Africa, or who knows how it should be help me out? I thought It was alright, but then again I thought her Russian accent in Birthday Girl was ok as well, I recently read it was incomprehensible :S Just curious... Thanks in advance!
i have family who live there and i thought it wasn't bad it sounded like the accent had been slightly diluted by living in america but i think thats how it was supposed to sound (:
I thought she came from Motoba in The Democratic Republic of Congo. She kept referring to it as her home! Therefore I guess her accent was not supposed to be South African. Just a hybrid of the various languages and accents she has picked up in her (the characters) career!
I'm married to a South African, so normally pick up on an SA accent pretty quick, didn't think this accent was SA!
Motobo was based on Zimbabwe, that's why people are referring to her accent as possibly Zimbabwean...and she was educated in South Africa, so that's where that idea is coming from. But her accent was definitely neither Zimbabwean or South African. She just sounded confused.
The Zimbabwe reference must have slipped me by! Although the fact they were checking for flights to Jo'Burg now makes more sense! As I had missed any reference to Southern Africa in the movie I was wondering why they would check those flights over any other when they were searching for her!! I always like to look up places that are referenced in movies (sad, I know!) and I could only find Motoba in Congo (and now Motobo in Gabon!!). But, with further digging, I have just found a region in Zimbabwe that is called Motoba! So yes, if she was supposed to be from there, I agree her accent is very confused!!!
Let me be clear: they weren't actually referring to a real place. They created the fictional nation of Motobo, and designed it to reference Zimbabwe. They weren't talking about the Zimbabwean region of Motoba; they made up an entirely fictional nation. They probably got the name of their nation from the name of this region, but they are not talking about a REAL place. Several of the references they made during the film, and the way that Motobo operated, clearly implied that the nation was based on Zimbabwe.
The IMDB trivia sums it up nicely:
"The movie is banned in Zimbabwe, the country on which the fictional D. R. of Matobo was based on."
Her accent seemed to vary throughout the film, sometimes she sounded like she was from Zimbabwe, sometimes South Africa, sometimes British, sometimes Australian, sometimes indeterminate.