MovieChat Forums > The Interpreter (2005) Discussion > They should hav edited out the romantic ...

They should hav edited out the romantic subplot

...and re-written the dire final 20 minutes. I was going to rate it a solid 9 for tension, intrigue and acting, but only ended up rating it a 6.

I know one thing will survive


Totally agree, it would have made more money at the box-office as well a shorter run time.


They spent so much time on the romantic subplot when, in the end, the two don't even get together..(so all that development is pointless) they could've had that same outcome and shave off 20 minutes which would make the movie more enjoyable. But I agree, this movie had alot of great scenes and a great atmosphere it just anticlimactically dragged on way too much (and was convoluted throughout the dragging). My favorite is the bus scene, that whole scene was perfect.
