MovieChat Forums > Halloween (2007) Discussion > Pure, steaming EXCREMENT...

Pure, steaming EXCREMENT...

What a wretched, stinking insult this abortion of a movie is, to a classic horror film. Ugly, vulgar, stupid, amateurish nonsense, is the polar opposite of what the original was; classy, understated, atmospheric, and terrifying. For the "new generation," we now have a white trash Michael Myers with a stripper mother, a whore sister, and a disgusting alcoholic pig for a father. Now Michael talks, and kills animals; wooooo, scary! And now that he talks, every bit of mystery and menace has been drained from the character. But fear not, because ALL the females get 'nekkid,' while being murdered, if that is any consolation. and the 'F' bomb is dropped over 100 times. and once in a while the 10 year old idiot who directed this piece of pig excrement gets REALLY creative, by copying, frame for frame, the best scenes of the original. Well THAT takes talent. I'm no fan of horror remakes, but THIS has got to be the absolute worst of the bunch. Watching it made me angry. I felt like I was being insulted, and if anyone walked in and caught me watching this dog *beep* I would have been mortified. And how dare they use the score from the original films? I honestly feel sorry for the new generation, when they go to the theater and are confronted with something like sad.

Fabio Testi is GOD


It was pretty bad, but it had it's moments, the nods to the original in the second half of the film were a nice touch. Pretty hard to improve on the classic original and given Zombie's wheelhouse, this was to be expected. If it's any consulation, the second attempt is even worse.

"He came home." - Dr. Sam Loomis from the original HalloweeN


The second one was worse? Hard to imagine. But there is nothing short of a shotgun that could make me watch a sequel to THIS. Thanks for the warning though..

Fabio Testi is GOD


Yeah. It was so bad I only watched it once in theaters and sparingly on Blu Ray. Collection completion only on that one. It was awful.

"He came home." - Dr. Sam Loomis from the original HalloweeN


You sat through this more than once? RESPECT. I wouldn't be strong enough to endure this thing twice. it would be like begging my dentist to re do my root canal.

Fabio Testi is GOD


Well, to be honest, I had my reasons. LOL Mainly to see Danielle Harris and Kristina Klebe naked, which isn't bad. Like I said, the second half homages to the original really were done well IMO except with the adlibbed "I do believe it was" part of As a matter of fact, that was. Plus the cameos like the guy from the Monkees (Dolenz?) Anyway, yes. I try to watch films at least twice, once to just react and enjoy it, then again since I know what's coming I can focus more on the details, the background, etc. I don't like to miss anything, however small.

I will say I went out of my way to get the theatrical DVD since the Blu Rays are all producer's cut with the unnecessary and cringeworthy rape scene escape which is too much, even for me.

The second one, I waited til it came out on DVD/Blu Ray to examine the background details, not that I cared much. Still can't watch it straight through. I either fast forward or stop it all together, no pun intended.

"He came home." - Dr. Sam Loomis from the original HalloweeN


Yeah that rape scene killed it for me. At that point I felt like I was watching a movie made by a 12 year old boy, trying to shock his parents. I felt like garbage just for watching this thing. it's so freaking trashy and cheap I can't believe it. But yeah, I will admit, it did have it's moments, like the direct tributes to the original, which is a film I have great respect for..

Fabio Testi is GOD


Rob zombie is my favorite director. I was really excited for this remake. So my friend got it for me asap on a burnt (probably stolen) copy. I was lucky enough to see the directors cut first not realizing there was another version. When I went to buy it though, I made the mistake of going to Wal Mart....the fcc owns that *beep* place. And I was VERY disappointed by the lack of rape scene. Don't get me wrong, I hate rape scenes. But without it, the character becomes an unrelatable psychopath. And it makes the whole movie pointless because it's just repeating the same garbage they fed us for decades during the original Michael series. With the rape scene in (as unpleasant as it may be) it adds a depth to the character. It shows that sex Or brutality is a trigger for him. And this was a double wammy. In the directors cut everyone he killed did something to him as a kid and he felt justified. So his first kill as an adult should also be justified by the same standards. If anything the theatrical version was garbage because the escape scene didn't make sense. Those people didn't actually do anything to him and psychologically it doesn't hold up. If you want to be like that quack trying to treat him and believe that all serial killers are just born evil, go ahead and be ignorant. But killers aren't born. They are made. And that is a beautiful nightmare Rob Zombie understands. He at least tried to show that this was a kid who became sick after watching years of inappropriate behavior while simultaneously not receiving the attention and love he desperately needed. He saw the cruelty in the world and sought to put an end to it the best he understood how. He didn't have the social skills to have a happy reunion with his baby sister but if you watch his physical behavior it's obvious that's what he wanted in the beginning. But when she responded in fear (totally natural response when you don't know this giant guy in a mask) he saw more of his older sister in her than his mom and he turned on her assuming, I guess that anyone with his DNA must be as "ugly" on the inside as he is. The whole movie I just want to hug the poor guy. And that's when you know the director has a complete understanding of complex characters. ROB MAKE MORE MOVIES PLEASE!!!! I LOVE YOUR DIRECTING AND YOUR WIFE's ACTING!!!! PLEASE DONT EVER STOP!


Also, after I just fan girled all over the place, lol how can you hate it and then buy it? I bought it but today was my third time watching it, after several years. Mostly because I was waiting to get a copy with all the extra features and making of on the directors unrated version. Ive never rewatched a movie I didn't like. Lol there are still some I can't bring myself to get through all the way. *Cough* Jarhead *cough* but this is solid. Although I did see the originals when I was too young to get anything but nightmares from them. And I have a morbid sense of humor and psychological understanding of how psychosis occurs now. That may impact my opinions of the movies. Still I thought Rob's angle was original and accurate. And the behind the scenes are adorable because it shows how innocent the kid playing the younger version was. The older actors try not to cuss around him and he's only allowed to cuss while acting. He's very careful not to later in interviews or while hanging out with other cast and crew. The guy playing Michael was hella sweet IRL too. You can say what you want, that looked like the most fun set to be on. And they did a great job. Stop hating. Hater.


Collection purposes. That's like not buying Crystal Skull or Expendables 3 just because they sucked. Completionist. At least, I am. Which is why I even own that God awful Halloween II 2009 version. That and box sets. You're not given much choice then.

As for the movie itself, it was a good idea, just poorly executed. Every other word did not have to be a curse word. There is more to physical and emotional abuse than language. The way he went about it was his wheel house, as seen in Corpses and Rejects, but this is Halloween. Wrong place, wrong time for that. If he really wanted to impress he would've strayed from his comfort zone and closer to the source material. Take the Amityville remake. Reynolds was a much bigger bastard, Ketchum played a bigger part, and this time Jodie wasn't a pig, but they did it fairly well.

That's how you do it. You take what worked, spice it up (babysitter( add a few things that don't hurt it and let the original be your guide. Only in parts of the second half did he do that. He didn't even have to modernize it. 1963 and 1978 would've been fine. But Rob does what he does best. White trash hillbilly-fied it. Especially the last one.

Adding Harris was a nice touch for fans, but not a saving grace. This film could've been so much better tamer, like the original After all these years and sequels, no one would've cared if it matched the competition. Amityville didn't care.

Then there's the Fog, which completely went off the rails. So it cuts both ways, at least this one met in the middle. But in the end, it's judged by fans. I haven't heard much praise vs. complaints. There's a reason for that. It's not the fans. We know what we're used to and know what we like. Nothing wrong with that. Loyalty, sticking to the source material and most of all using what works instead of personal agendas.

31 seems no better. Which is fine on it's own, but don't put Michael Myers in it and expect praise. That's not who he is, was or should be. Not a hulking monster like Jason, but a man. I know the man likes Tyler Mane, but come on. Even Shanks wasn't that big.

Bottom line, he made it his way, he should accept the criticism. A for effort, F for execution.

"He came home." - Dr. Sam Loomis from the original HalloweeN


I guess if you want to watch the same movie over and over and over again. Sure make every remake exactly the same. Amittyville was garbage and in no way as good as the original. And that's sad for me because I loved all the actors. But the writing and execution was garbage. "I think what we have here is a failure to communicate." The problem is not Rob Zombies angle or execution. It's the fact that you would rather be fed a regurgitated version of a meal you liked than try a new recipe. Eat all the vomit you want kitty. I won't stop you. But I prefer the way Rob spiced it up. Maybe you just have bad taste ;)


Well, that's your opinion. Personally I think you have bad taste. ;) Your problem is you can't see the forest for the trees. You want something one person, YOU, like. That doesn't work. This has to be something the fanbase likes for it to be successful. Rob's two versions effectively buried the franchise to the point it's taken this long to make another one, and one that is not connected and ignores said movies. Wouldn't do that if it was a good idea the fans liked.

So basically, you're not seeing the big picture and being small minded and a Zombie "fan boy" with rose colored glasses on. Have you even seen the prior Halloweens? 8 films and 7 of them had the Halloween feel and didn't go white trash and verbal suicide to make their points. I'd say that's a proven track record. Given the lack of success for Halloween II, Lords of Salem's limited release and now 31's less than stellar marketing, I'd say that's a proven failure. Even M. Night Shymalan is getting more movies than Zombie and getting more attention.

So be careful when you try to discount other people's opinions. I'm certainly not the only one here to show disdain for Zombie's 2 attempts. No remake is ever better than the original. At least Amityville tried to be different, as opposed to Psycho and Omen. Those were as you say, regurgitated. Friday was 4 films in one, Nightmare went full pedophile and TCM just went for looks. So in comparison, Amityville was heads and tails above those. Halloween is hardly in the conversation as it only used the second half to even connect to the original.

Remember that when question someone's tastes. A little thing called facts.

"He came home." - Dr. Sam Loomis from the original HalloweeN


Fact: he made back double what he spent on this. His budgeting skills make every movie a success (except for House cuz he was new to it) and to clarify, I'M A FAN GIRL. And lastly the only people on here came to complain because they have nothing better to do with their time than spend it hating. Trust me he doesn't need you. He has a pretty loyal and GROWING fan base. So....until you can make a movie and have EVERYONE like it (impossible btw) shut up, sit down and spin :P


I hate rape scenes. But without it, the character becomes an unrelatable psychopath

What? He already horribly killed four people before that scene, and he is totally oblivious to that rape. He only reacts to the custodians touching his stuff. In the earlier scene where Danny Trejo warns the guy about this, I don't recall Trejo also warning him not to rape complete strangers in front of him either.

It does not show that sex is a trigger.

He killed the first time because his family neglected him and wouldn't take him trick or treating.

He killed a nurse that did nothing to him at all except compliment the photo of his baby sister.

He saw the cruelty in the world and sought to put an end to it the best he understood how.

This is a kid who tortures animals and gets revenge by killing a bully that called his mother names.

"Who can't use the Force now?! I can still use the Force!" - Yarael Poof
