Check your brains at the front door
"I'll teach your grandmother to suck eggs."
- Stinky Wizzleteats HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY
It's lines like these that crack me up. I love Ren & Stimpy. It was possibly one of the most original cartoon to come out in a long time since Beany and Cecil. Before Ren & Stimpy I was watching cute and fuzzy shows, (Or disgusting crap..take your pick), like the Care Bears, Rainbow Brite, My Little Pony, and Strawberry Shortcake. So when Ren & Stimpy came along it just seriously threw me through the loop.
I was going through the message board and I was like, one thread we have someone talking about God and watching Ren & Stimpy is the same as sinning; and in another thread we have a petition to take the show off the air with about 21 signatures. I guess if any show could kick off with a good start and spark some controversy it would have to be Ren & Stimpy.
Personally, I'm really glad that John Kricfalusi is back and dishing some more entertaining tales of our hyperactive chihuahua, Ren Hoke (That's Ho-ek you idiot, not Hoke!), and our sweet, but stupid cat Stimpy. (Joy!) I can't wait to see what he has in store for us, and what exactly is dwelling in Mr. Kricfalusi's funny, twisted little mind.
So speaking of old school "Ren & Stimpy", what were your favorite moments?
- Shayla