Check your brains at the front door

"I'll teach your grandmother to suck eggs."

- Stinky Wizzleteats HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY

It's lines like these that crack me up. I love Ren & Stimpy. It was possibly one of the most original cartoon to come out in a long time since Beany and Cecil. Before Ren & Stimpy I was watching cute and fuzzy shows, (Or disgusting crap..take your pick), like the Care Bears, Rainbow Brite, My Little Pony, and Strawberry Shortcake. So when Ren & Stimpy came along it just seriously threw me through the loop.

I was going through the message board and I was like, one thread we have someone talking about God and watching Ren & Stimpy is the same as sinning; and in another thread we have a petition to take the show off the air with about 21 signatures. I guess if any show could kick off with a good start and spark some controversy it would have to be Ren & Stimpy.

Personally, I'm really glad that John Kricfalusi is back and dishing some more entertaining tales of our hyperactive chihuahua, Ren Hoke (That's Ho-ek you idiot, not Hoke!), and our sweet, but stupid cat Stimpy. (Joy!) I can't wait to see what he has in store for us, and what exactly is dwelling in Mr. Kricfalusi's funny, twisted little mind.

So speaking of old school "Ren & Stimpy", what were your favorite moments?

- Shayla



That is soooooo true, and there is a very good explaination for that.

John Kricfalusi, the creator of the "Ren & Stimpy" show and the voice of Ren Hoek, was fired by Nickeloden after just the first two seasons. Very sad story. Nickeloden, being Nickeloden, did not understand the show or what made the show great in the first place and hired their own batch of writers and basically took off with it.

So, It didn't get any better than the episodes such as Sven Hoek, Stimpy's Invention or the classic Space Madness. Speaking of episodes, some of my favorite episodes include: Big House Blues, Fire Dogs ("No sir, I didn't like it." - Mr. Horse), and Rubber Nipple Salesmen.

I can't wait till the show comes out on Dvd. I'll probably end up buying just the first two seasons and wait till the Ren & Stimpy Adult Cartoon Party comes out on Dvd.

- Shayla

