Why didn't Billy West do this?

Does anyone know what the actual reason was?

I am your boss. I AM your boss.


Have you SEEN the content of these shows? There's your answer.


He said that he felt it was just one big gay joke. So he refused to have any part of it. He was at a convention signing autographs when a fan asked him about the new show.

His actual response to the show can be found here:



He took some credit for Ren before John K. left because he actually was doing some of Ren's lines. A lot of the screaming was out of John K.'s vocal range from what I understand, for which I can't blame him. Try doing a cartoon scream and see how well it turns out.

The wookiee has no pants- Mark Hammil


he actually was doing some of Ren's lines. A lot of the screaming was out of John K.'s vocal range from what I understand, for which I can't blame him.

The psychotic laught too apparently.

For DEMONIC TOYS and updates on Full Moon Films:


He saw the scripts and made the wise choice to bail


One reason was that it was terrible, another was that John K. was a jerk and impossible to work with. The directors on R&S was apparently not the best at working with actors.

"IGNFF: How would you sum up your experience on Futurama?

WEST: I thought the whole experience – from top to bottom – was totally professional and really cool. I never had anybody bugging me for anything – no directors standing on my throat while they're directing me. That kind of abuse came with Ren & Stimpy... just being battered, and where other actors were beaten down. Just emotional wrecks, where they had to come in with a tow truck and pick up the bodies and get them out of there. That's what I was told by Nickelodeon – they were saying, "You've gotta watch out – this guy wears actors out." And I said, "Bring it on! I had the worst things that can happen to a human being happen in the first 10 years of my life happen to me, so I was tailor-made for abuse." But I didn't know how long I would last with all the screaming and yelling – but not just screaming and yelling, it was particular screaming and yelling."



It doesn't help that the voice-acting in the typical John K. production is overplayed. Too many scenes from APC sound more like people screaming into the microphone than acting their parts out.
