There is a difference, of a clever movie which people don't easely understand and a movie which acts like it is clever but is easy to understand.
Stay is a clever movie which people don't easely understand-6.8 ( you need to use your brain, an organ people don't really want to use that often) Inception is a movie which acts like it is clever but easy to understand-8.9 ( people feel smart for understanding the movie, which makes them like it)
I think Inception should be a 6.8 and Stay should be a 8.9
i just watched it and i feel the exact opposite way. i think stay is a movie which acts like it is clever but is easy to understand. i dont get why ppl dont get it. i got the "near death experience" idea about half way into the movie. i dont think you can make it any more obvious with all the weird editing and the surreal storyline and the flashback of driving on the bridge over and over again and especially with the kid who keeps asking is that man gonna die. the second half was pretty boring for me but i kept watching because i thought there must be a really awesome twist if its telling us to "stay" in the damn title so i stayed until the end only to find out the only big thing i missed is that in reality sam and lila don't know henry nor each other. that's not even a good twist because obiwan got way too much screen time in the dream even more than the henry guy so i thought there must be some kinda david lynch thing going on. that's why after the ending i was thinking, wow, this could have been easily made 10 times better in the right hands. when you got those big stars in your movie you owe it to the audience to make it more entertaining.
idea 5/5
movie making 1/5
so this movie a 6/10 to me.
and inception since you mentioned it, the idea is cliche and even flawed but they made a hell of a movie out of it. and i enjoyed it all along while i was watching, twice. that's what real movie makers should do if you ask me.
This is, without a doubt, a very ambitious film. But there's a reason why it has a 6.8, and that's because it just doesn't work. I'm surprised it doesn't have a lower rating, actually. Stay is basically a poor man's version of Mulholland Dr. It's the same type of mystery, minus some really great acting and David Lynch's truly wonderful style. Stay is a movie that's just a mindf-ck. It doesn't end up solving itself. It doesn't even want to end up solving itself. It just wants to be weird. That, in my book, is dumb. Sorry. 4/10
Alexart, you CLEARLY didn't get it. Everything has a meaning in this movie, every action and situation. And in the end it is all explained. But you just still didn't get it and thought it was some artsy *beep* movie.
@Alexart-1: Very true; I was thinking the same thing about the movie being a discount version of Mulholland drive. And on top of all that: no hot lesbian sex scene with Naomi Watts;-)
There is nothing inside - and they rebuild it every 20th year.
i agree that the 2 scores should be reverse but i don't think it has to do anything with complexity of the film.
personally i think that both films are easy to understand, stay has a very simple premise and inception is explained very well throughout the film.
the main difference i find between them is not the complexity of the script itself but the of what they were trying to convey. for me inception, although i liked it, has absolutely nothing to say, i can't get anything from it. stay on the other hand made me feel in great extend the tragedy of an individual's death, even though we don't really know anything about him nor the circumstances of his death were very tragic.
First off, I can't STAND when people say "you didn't like it because you didn't get it". You don't know what people get or don't get and you certainly can't tell someone else why they like or dislike something. I liked the movie, it kept me interested enough to want to watch the entire thing, I think the rating it got was fitting though. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you are no more intelligent than the people that didn't rate this movie as high as you think it deserved. Of those people, the ones that didn't get it are not necessarily less intelligent than you either. You didn't say you thought you were, but your patronizing comment suggests it.
Ahahaha what you think just because this movie is harder to understand that it makes it a good movie?? I will agree Inception isn't that hard to get your head around, especially in comparrison to this but that does not make a whole film! The acting, direction, concept (even if it isn't hard to grasp, still very good), script and actual enjoyment from Inception was a lot better then 'Stay'.
In saying this I did really enjoy 'Stay' but don't go around making asumptions that just because people may not understand what is going on in this film that that is the reason why Inception has a higher rating! Also you can't just compare movies because they have a somewhat complex idea, look at the movie as a whole not just the story..!
I totally agree! I thought Inception we clever but, was a cop-out since it involves something that cannot be done. However, Stay involves something happens every day (and one day each of us will experience this) and tries to show you what it may look like.