Henry Letham mentions a suicidal poet whose name I can not remember now, given that I watched this film one hundred years ago. I just remember that it was a beautiful name and also, in spite of my stupid memory, quite memorable. I think Henry says that such poet declared once that the greatest piece of art of XIX century was the bridge of Brooklyn.
Would you be as kind as to tell me the name of this poet?
Tristan Rêveur est un artiste peintre fictif auquel il est fait référence dans le film Stay de Marc Forster. Son œuvre est inconnue car il a brûlé toutes ses peintures avant de se suicider le jour de ses 21 ans, d'une balle dans la tête sur le Pont de Brooklyn, qu'il considère comme la plus belle œuvre du xxe siècle. Citations: "La mauvaise peinture est tragiquement plus belle que la bonne parce qu'elle dépeint la faillite humaine." "Un suicide élégant est l'ultime œuvre d'art." " my translation: Tristan reveur is a fictional artist (painter) that is being referenced in the film 'Stay' of March Forster. His oeuvre is unknown to us because he burned it just before he committed suicide on the day of his 21st birthday at the Brooklyn bridge(which he considered to be the most beautiful work of art of the 20th century), with a bullet to the head. Memorable quotes: "The worst painting is, tragically, also the most beautiful, because it depicts the failure of humanity" "An elegant way of committing suicide is the ultimate form of art"
So, not only is it the Brooklyn bridge that he considers the greatest art; it is also the act of committing suicide at that specific place that is the greatest artistic act.
So, not only is it the Brooklyn bridge that he considers the greatest art; it is also the act of committing suicide at that specific place that is the greatest artistic act.
Everybody's got their own taste in art, that's for sure.
"I know it's not hip to say it, but I just love acting."-Nicolas Cage
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