If we are to assume that Henry's subconcious is dreaming up the scenario for Sam and Lila, how does this explain the ending? We see the real Sam ask Lila to go for a coffee, but he also seems to recall memories of Henry's delusions. How is this possible?
I see what you are saying. Sam re-imagines a scenario where Lila isn't a nurse, but an artist etc. It is hard to substantiate, but you could be right. I'm not sure the film is particularly convincing which ever way you look at it. I think it owes too much debt to greater movies such as 'Mulholland Drive' and 'Lost Highway'.
I thought it was obvious--because while we're seeing what's in Henry's head, he's lying there in the real world on the bridge hallucinating. In the real world, he's been talking to Sam the whole time, but is so out of it. His delusions are partially sparked by things Henry was saying and questions he was asking to try to get him to focus on the real world, to Stay in it.
Henry's subconscious picks up on the fact that Lila and Sam are attracted to each other, but the input is confused. He sees how they look at each other and senses, as people do sometimes when they look at strangers and have a moment of intuition, that they would make a good couple. Henry felt love... he knows it when he sees it, even before Sam and Lila do. It's why he imagines them together.
This movie is the end of one love story and, in a sense, it passes on the torch to another just beginning. A note of poignant hope.
Well said, WynneL. We have no idea if Lila and Sam become a couple after the accident but Henry picks up on I think both a mutual attraction between them and probably an attraction himself to Lila; very easy to understand a dying man being attracted to a nurse that looks like Naomi Watts. In addition he sees her as a substitute to his dead girlfriend if he needed anymore reason to be attracted to her. So all this is what feeds the romance/couple storyline in the body of the film which is nothing more than a representation of random thoughts in the head of Henry before he dies.