MovieChat Forums > Stay (2005) Discussion > What's with his trousers?

What's with his trousers?

What's with his trousers?

is it some metaphysical symbol or is he just a cheapskate?



I agree. The colour and length didn´t make much sense to me.

If it harms none, do what thou wilt.


Look in the trivia section, they're short as a nod to the reality of the movie, Henry only sees Ewan McGregor's character while he's lying down and Ewan is standing over him on the bridge.


If this post is about McGregor's short pants, he wears them short in all of the movies I've ever seen him in......It maybe a "Spanky Syndrome", McGregor identifies with a character in "Our Gang" comedy series. The character's name is "Spanky"...known for wearing short pants. Of course there's more to it then just short pants, he seems to reflect many of "Spanky's" idiosyncrasies. Just my opinion..


If only there was a trivia section which explained the short pants.......Oh wait, there is.


But no socks either? I don't get why Henry would visualize Sam with short pants and no socks just because he only sees Sam from the waist up.

That explanation is dumb. If that is true he'd have pictured Sam with no legs.


He does wear socks. Infact there's a scene early in the film where he's talking to Naomi Watts and taking his socks off.

"I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness"


When you bend down, you tend to pull your pants up at the knee, to give slack to your legs. When he was bending over Henry, his pants appeared to be short at the ends.

It's just a nod to the ending.


This may be true, but like another poster, I've seen him in other movies where his pants are too short and he appears sockless. I can't recall specific titles, but it was noteworthy in its strangeness/quirkiness. Not sure about the Spanky connection, though.


They're short because he's kneeling down next to Henry and that's what Henry is seeing: "Sam" with short pants due to the kneeling.
