MovieChat Forums > Stay (2005) Discussion > AFTER WATCHING the movie read this to st...

AFTER WATCHING the movie read this to start understanding-heavy spoiler-

First of all this is one of the interpretations
But according to me its the best one

fix these 4 things first:

A) first of all fix this that all of this is a dream of Henry AT THE LAST MOMENT JUST BEFORE HIS DEATH.

B) Remember one of your own dreams and how does a dream feel/looks like???

C) all that we see in the movie is all the creation of his SUBCONSCIOUS FROM HIS PERSPECTIVE.

D) things that actually happen

1- accident
2- father mother athena die and
3- lastly at the end of the movie henry dies
4- lila is nurse ; sam is doctor (psychiatrist not

everything else is a dream

--now he is dying and just before his death his subconscious generates dream

--all the people around him at the time of death are the only ones in the dream

--like our dreams Sam is shown to jump from here to there without connection

-- nothing makes sense as in our dreams

-- a second feels like years so the whole 1 and half hour was just the mere moments that he was just before death

-- and in all the movie he was under guilt until last when he was told it was an accident (tire blew up) and died peacefully

also lookout for
--SAME taxi (3Y62), LOTS OF TWINS, many reference to number 3s ,same buildings , Sam's short trouser etc... there is much more to explore (watch it 2-4 times atleast)

all things are as his mind saw at the last moments

according to me this is the best explanation and/or representation of DREAMS how it is /how it feels / how it looks

and this is why i love movies as it can portray things that a human has experience but cant relive according to his wishes like dreamsssss....

9/10 mind blowing


Thank you Rhut_Tiger. I reached most of the same conclusions, but your post helped me to organize my thoughts and observations. I also gave the film a 9/10 and told a friend just BEFORE I saw your post that the film was mind blowing, as well. I wish I had keep the film to watch it again, but I sent it back right away. I will try to get it again. I noticed numbers on cop cars, taxis, fire engines, and ambulances, but did not connect them to anything. I thought the characters in Henry's dream were created by his subconscious with his own character flaws. At the end of the movie I suddenly realize that all the characters were "Henry-like". I usually don't care for the "it was all a dream" tactic, but in this case, it was so well done and presented, it made the film. Thanks again. Paul Keller


I don't understand how all if this is so hard to figure out? It's pretty much spelled out for you throughout the film. It really doesn't require further viewings. The only SINGLE thing I was left wondering was the focus on the colour yellow throughout various parts of the film - whether this was also a part of his subconscious (but why?) Or if it was just a colour the director liked. Though either way this will not change anyone's understanding of the film.

By the way, one of the more obvious things you seemed to not notice (or just not mention) was the recurring number 21.
