Yellow + Blue
This film is truly one of my favorites. I've seen it so many times and the intense emotional response I have to this film, never seems to diminish. It is a wonderful and beautifully filmed, tragic masterpiece.
Having seen it a number of times, I've picked up on clues from both dialogue and smaller things. Like camera angles seen from below the characters, shortened pants, the use of twins and triplets, the scenery outside rising, the view of being in a coffin inside the coffee shop, the mix of Ewan and Ryan's characters etc... etc...
But, the one thing I've never fully understood, is the use of color. Throughout the entire movie the colors blue and yellow are exceptionally prominent and hyper pigmented. Whenever these two colors are in a scene, all other colors are muted or neutral. I've also noticed that at specific moments when realities begin to collide, the use of a green (mixing of blue and yellow) is used. But WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN!?!???!!!!?
Anyone else notice this or have I just forgotten to take my meds again?